Tuesday, July 29, 2014

公积金白金-援助金 Bantuan Kematian KWSP (EPF death assistance)



很多大马人都不知道,公积金局(KWSP 或 EPF) 所设的白金援助金。。。



所以如果有朋友或朋友的朋友,不幸生亡,伤心过后,不要忘了让他的家人,申请公积金白金。(EPF or  KWSP Bantuan Kematian) , 大力share出去!!!


(i) Ahli yang meninggal dunia mestilah seorang warganegara Malaysia; ATAU bukan warganegara Malaysia yang ; Menjadi ahli sebelum 1 Ogos 1998; ATAU Mendapat taraf Penduduk Tetap. (Bukan warganegara yang memilih mencarum pada dan selepas 1 Ogos 1998 adalah tidak layak mendapat bayaran bantuan kematian).

(ii) Ahli meninggal dunia sebelum mencapai umur 55 tahun.

(iii) Permohonan diterima dalam tempoh 6 bulan dari tarikh kematian ahli.

 (iv) Bantuan sebanyak RM2,500.00 akan dibayar sekali sahaja mengikut budibicara KWSP kepada mana-mana orang tanggungan ahli.

(v) Ahli masih mempunyai simpanan semasa permohonan pengeluaran kematian dibuat




Monday, July 21, 2014

Basic principles of the Human Rights

What are the Basic Principles of the Human Rights Framework?

The human rights framework protects civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. But no matter what kind of right is at issue, there are basic principles that are always part of human rights standards and implementation. These principles include:
Universality: Human rights must be afforded to everyone, without exception. The entire premise of the framework is that people are entitled to these rights simply by virtue of being human.
Indivisibility: Human rights are indivisible and interdependent, which means that in order to guarantee civil and political rights, a government must also ensure economic, social and cultural rights (and visa versa). The indivisibility principle recognizes that if a government violates rights such as health, it necessarily affects people’s ability to exercise other rights such as the right to life.
Participation: People have a right to participate in how decisions are made regarding protection of their rights. This includes but is not limited to having input on government decisions about rights. To ensure human rights, governments must engage and support the participation of civil society on these issues.
AccountabilityGovernments must create mechanisms of accountability for the enforcement of rights. It is not enough that rights are recognized in domestic law or in policy rhetoric, there must actually be effective measures put in place so that the government can be held accountable if those rights standards are not met.
TransparencyTransparency means that governments must be open about all information and decision-making processes related to rights. People must be able to know and understand how major decisions affecting rights are made and how public institutions, such as hospitals and schools, which are needed to protect rights, are managed and run.
Non-DiscriminationHuman rights must be guaranteed without discrimination of any kind. This includes not only purposeful discrimination, but also protection from policies and practices which may have a discriminatory effect.

source::::::  http://www.nesri.org/programs/what-are-the-basic-principles-of-the-human-rights-framework

Sunday, July 20, 2014

2014 第三季《中国好声音》--马来西亚代表陈永馨(Melody)

2014 第三季《中国好声音》于7月18日正式开始。这次四位导师是那英,齐秦, 杨昆,和江峰。

[ 光华日报 2014/7/18] 


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